Our Services

Meal Prep Services | Denver, Colorado | MileHighCook
  • Want to celebrate an occassion let me cook and do the dishes. Lets come up with a simple or extravagant multi-course menu that will impress anyone.

  • Whether its your 6 month or 60 year anniversary let me come up with that menu and cook for you and your loved one. Want to celebrate a random occasion with your partner I got that covered too.

  • Whether its cheering for the team in Boulder or at Mile High even a team as far away from East Lansing (Go Green!) let me set out the perfect meal or appetizers to share with your favorite fans or the ones that owe you from a bet last year.

  • Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, I got you covered. Need desserts I can do that. Or want to leave it to me and my team we can take care of that too. Lets throw Thanksgiving in their as well and maybe a fancy meal for New Year’s Eve!

  • Short on time but want chef cooked meals. Let us cook your meals pre made and all you have to do is reheat for a chef inspired experience. Impress your colleagues at work with and be the talk of the water cooler with your lunches.

  • Need food for a pop up event or want to impress your friends. Instead of getting food that has been sitting around let us come up with the right menu cooking with only the freshest ingredients and a chef driven menu